Let's go through what we got done in Milestone M27 (Dec 30 - Jan 12).
Earlier, for test cases based JavaScript exercises, we did not support evaluation of async code. This feature was shipped.
Minor refactoring across the codebase against the ruby best practices audit done earlier, was shipped.
Long running courses homepage revamp was finalized and shipped this milestone. Course homepage now shows data like number of chapters, hours to complete, projects and prerequisites
A weird bug where the progress percentage for non-signed in folks sometimes showed over 100%, was fixed. This was because of changing chapters data on the backend but no updates to progress stored in localstorage for non-signed in users. We have a refresh progress button now which does the cleanup.
Mobile responsiveness for the solution modal in exercises was improved.
There was a need of removing the run code button on subjective exercises in HTML/CSS/JS challenges on case-by-case basis. We shipped a hideRunCodeButton config on codeblock to support it.
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