Let's go through what we got done in Milestone M28 (Jan 13 - Jan 26).
NeetoForm now supports reordering automation rules.
Conditionally hidden payment elements can now be skipped during form submission.
Fixed an issue where logo height resets on alignment change.
Handled race conditions while accessing soft-deleted forms due to concurrent requests.
In the builder preview, there was an inconsistency in the interactivity of the form elements. We have removed interactivity from all form elements in the builder preview.
Fixed issues with Mailchimp validations when the mapping isn't configured for fields marked as required in the Mailchimp dashboard.
Fixes an issue where embedded videos were missing in email notifications.
Date and date-time related field values were stored differently. We standardized the response structure for date and date-time questions.
Replaced minimagick to use vips for image transformations, which is faster and more memory-efficient.
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