Added the ability to have a common section. Modifying this common section will automatically apply similar changes to all pages, which is especially useful for building multi-page sites. For example, by marking the header and footer sections as common, users can update a single section, and these changes will be reflected across all screens.
Improved perfomance while cloning sites by eliminating N+1 queries and skipping unnecessary callbacks. The time taken to clone the BigBinary Academy website (with 27 pages and 293 blocks) has decreased to 18 seconds, down from 2 minutes and 35 seconds.
Added page-level seo settings to home page. Previously, these settings were configurable for all the pages except the home page.
Set up New Relic for the EUI.
Fixed CSS priorities and related UI inconsistencies on the EUI side by syncing the TailwindCSS configuration with that neeto-site-web.
Fixed UI issues in the builder page header for smaller screens.
Auditted and removed all the unused columns from tables.
Bug fixes.
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