NeetoSite BlogMilestone M26 updates

Milestone M26 updates

Abhay V Ashokan

Abhay V Ashokan

December 29, 2024

  • Added the ability to have a common section. Modifying this common section will automatically apply similar changes to all pages, which is especially useful for building multi-page sites. For example, by marking the header and footer sections as common, users can update a single section, and these changes will be reflected across all screens.

  • Improved perfomance while cloning sites by eliminating N+1 queries and skipping unnecessary callbacks. The time taken to clone the BigBinary Academy website (with 27 pages and 293 blocks) has decreased to 18 seconds, down from 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

  • Added page-level seo settings to home page. Previously, these settings were configurable for all the pages except the home page.

  • Set up New Relic for the EUI.

  • Fixed CSS priorities and related UI inconsistencies on the EUI side by syncing the TailwindCSS configuration with that neeto-site-web.

  • Fixed UI issues in the builder page header for smaller screens.

  • Auditted and removed all the unused columns from tables.

  • Bug fixes.

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