Let's go through what we got done in Milestone M27 (Dec 30 - Jan 12).
Need a new link? You can now regenerate or customize your recording URLs. This is perfect for unsharing videos and keeping control over who watches them!
Hide the recording toolbar on Mac and Windows. It’s enabled by default, but if you need the control bar in your video, you can bring it back with a few clicks.
With custom domains, every shared URL points to your branded domain. Seamless sharing, perfectly aligned with your brand!
Never lose track of what to say again! Add speaker notes on Mac and Windows, so your words flow effortlessly—visible only to you while recording.
Fixed issue with custom size recording not working as expected.
There was a bug where the entire screen was getting recorded if the screen is switched. This used to only happen for the Specific window recording option. This has been fixed now.
Fixed cleanup after uninstalling the desktop app.
Fixed issues with showing and downloading transcripts on public pages.
Fixed an issue where the desktop app version was not captured for recordings. This helps us in debugging issues raised via our clients.
If a video URL was invalid, users were getting redirected to the login page instead of the 404 page. This is now fixed.
Fixed the HTML title for all admin pages.
Added the missing 'Unsaved changes alert' to the settings pages.
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