NeetoRecord BlogMilestone M27 updates

Milestone M27 updates

Chirag Shah

Chirag Shah

January 13, 2025

Let's go through what we got done in Milestone M27 (Dec 30 - Jan 12).

Link makeover! 🔗

Need a new link? You can now regenerate or customize your recording URLs. This is perfect for unsharing videos and keeping control over who watches them!

Toolbar? What toolbar? 🖥️

Hide the recording toolbar on Mac and Windows. It’s enabled by default, but if you need the control bar in your video, you can bring it back with a few clicks.

Your brand, your link! 🌐

With custom domains, every shared URL points to your branded domain. Seamless sharing, perfectly aligned with your brand!

Stay on script! 📋

Never lose track of what to say again! Add speaker notes on Mac and Windows, so your words flow effortlessly—visible only to you while recording.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with custom size recording not working as expected.

  • There was a bug where the entire screen was getting recorded if the screen is switched. This used to only happen for the Specific window recording option. This has been fixed now.

  • Fixed cleanup after uninstalling the desktop app.

  • Fixed issues with showing and downloading transcripts on public pages.

  • Fixed an issue where the desktop app version was not captured for recordings. This helps us in debugging issues raised via our clients.

  • If a video URL was invalid, users were getting redirected to the login page instead of the 404 page. This is now fixed.

  • Fixed the HTML title for all admin pages.

  • Added the missing 'Unsaved changes alert' to the settings pages.

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