Let's go through what we got done in Milestone M30 (Feb 10 - Feb 23).
Adjust the default volume for your recordings and make sure they start at the perfect level. No more sudden surprises! You can do that via the control what viewers can do section.
(Web) Links and email addresses in summary are now linkified.
(Web) Custom thumbnail upload feature has been optimized to make it faster.
(Web) The GIF now has a play button as an overlay to denote that the GIF is clickable.
(Chrome extension) We have a new and better onboarding process.
(Desktop application) Added option to disable automatic updates
(Web) Fixed audio sync issue after split and merge.
(Web) Sometimes under rare cases the title of the video used to get generated in a different language than the transcript. This has been fixed.
(Web) Fixed upload recordings feature not working under certain cases.
(Web) Fixed transcript visibility issue on mobile.
(Web) Fixed playback, full screen and captions related issues for embedded videos.
(Chrome extension) Prevented switching tabs before countdown.
(Desktop app) Fixed 'Camera only' not working when a background color is applied
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